Solo Leveling follows the journey of Sung Jin-Woo, the “world’s weakest Hunter” in a world where Hunters possess magical abilities and battle monstrous creatures that emerge from mysterious portals known as “gates.” While most Hunters are heroes, Jin-Woo struggles to survive, taking on low-level dungeons to support his sick mother and younger sister.
One day, during a routine quest with other Hunters, Jin-Woo finds himself in a double dungeon. What begins as an ordinary mission quickly turns deadly when they discover a hidden dungeon filled with traps and powerful monsters. Left for dead in this dangerous encounter, Jin-Woo miraculously survives after receiving a mysterious power from a strange system. This power allows him to level up and grow stronger, an ability no other Hunter has ever experienced.
As Jin-Woo begins to transform, he realizes that his newfound abilities are unlike anything other Hunters know. The system gives him tasks, quests, and challenges that let him level up like a character in a video game. With each victory, he becomes stronger, unlocking new skills and powers.
However, Jin-Woo soon uncovers darker truths about the gates and monsters. He learns that his powers are part of a much larger conspiracy, with the fate of the world possibly resting on his shoulders. As he faces increasingly powerful enemies, Jin-Woo unravels secrets about the origin of the gates and his mysterious connection to the system.
Throughout his journey, Jin-Woo rises from the weakest to the strongest Hunter, forming powerful alliances and battling unimaginable foes. His quest is not just about gaining power but also protecting his loved ones and discovering his true destiny.
Filled with intense action, breathtaking battles, and a compelling world, Solo Leveling has become a global sensation thanks to its unique progression system and dynamic artwork.